I have been so busy this spring getting ready for the market; sewing skirts, bags, making jewelry and cards and other small items for the booth. But I still needed something else, something for the home, maybe? I decided to email my mom and my sister, two other creative ladies in my life, and see what they thought about all I had done to prepare for the market. Maybe they would have a suggestion or idea, or notice something I had missed? A few days later I received an email back from my mother; who reminded me of the wall hanging I had made for them, my grandparents and my mother in law for Christmas in 2008.
About a week later, my sister finally emailed back; she made some suggestions, then near the end of the email she says the wall hangings are a good idea; "maybe you should make wall hangings of Colorado landmarks?" (light bulb goes on over head *right now*!) Why hadn't I thought of that? What a great idea! Colorado landmarks for the Denver farmers market! Yes, perfect! This week, I have excitedly stitched up three wall hangings with the Colorado Continental Divide image on it; which is also the picture on the CO license plate. Next, I will cut out some with the Denver skyline both looking east and west with the mountains behind it. The wall hangings don't take me very long to make, except for one detail that nearly doubles the time on each wall hanging, the binding! Why isn't there a better way to bind a quilt, besides hand stitching it, lol? I hope to have at least 10 of them done before the market; hopefully they will be a big seller because I really enjoy making them!
Thanks so much to those idea fairies who help me to be creative, I couldn't do it without you!
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